Listen to this. I found this song today, when I was watching How I Met Your Mother (only the greatest TV-show of all time, for those who don't know). After getting some important pieces of advice from Barney - Open your brain tank, bro, because here come some premium 91 octane knowledge - suddenly I heard this song. A joyful tune, very catchy.
Despite that I wasn't even looking for this song, because I actually wanted to find what happens to be Jersey Girl, originally by Tom Waits, but performed by Bruce Springsteen (great song, by the way), I was quite impressed with this song. Well, until I didn't switch to the ol' Bruce, The Painter was simply stuck on repeat. I listened to it again. And again. And again... ^^
And it got me thinking. The lyrics are not difficult and, what is more, to be very repetitive. Listen and read through it! :)
I'm just a painterDon't give up on your dreams. And I'm not talking about the crap you think about at night and forget in the morning. Daydreams. Dreams about future. Dreams about joy, happiness; dreams about things, which will make you smile. Don't give up on them.
I do my crappy art
But I see what's in your eyes
And I know what's in your heart
I have to go now
The cops are on their way
And I haven't got a license
but I got a lot to say
Don't give up on your dreams, boy!
Don't give up on your dreams now, buddy!
I'm just a painter
I do my crappy art
But I see what's in your eyes
And I know what's in your heart
I have to go now
The cops are on their way
And I haven't got a license but I got a lot to say
Don't give up on your dreams, boy!
Don't give up on your dreams now, buddy!
Don't give up on your dreams, boy!
Don't give up on your dreams now, buddy!
You know, the best way to succeed is to determine not to fail. This and believing in yourself will help you catch those dreams. Now go and with a smile on your face keep on dreaming or even better - live your dreams. :)

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